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Mechanical Link/FIT


Mechanical Link is a hands-on therapeutic approach that analyzes the mobility and movement of anatomical structures through the living matrix of connective tissue, the web or net-like system that surrounds, connects and communicates with all parts of the body. Developed in France by Paul Chauffour, D.O. and Eric Prat, D.O., this technique offers a simple, effective way to safely locate and address restrictions in all parts of the body. Because of the intercommunicating properties of the connective tissue system, a restriction in one part of the system can cause symptoms in quite a different part of the body. For example, many visceral and neurological issues are addressed with this modality as they are often linked to chronic pain.
This is a comprehensive approach that addresses all connective tissues and releases restrictions in ways not otherwise possible, each treatment addresses many kinds of problems at once. For example, clients often report that as well as relief from their pain, they notice more energy, a much better outlook on life and better elimination. The treatment is incredibly gentle and involves a series of gentle impulses from the practitioner’s fingertips.

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